Inspired by….

  • NAVCA Change for good

    Report of the Independent Commission on the future of local infrastructure

  • Time For A Change

    “Over 2020, our network has been building on our 2019 Call to Action for a Better Way, working together to identify how we can deliver the change we want to see. This has shown that it is not only what we do, but also how, and four things have shone through, which we have brought together in our model for a Better Way, as shown here and explored in the following pages.” - A Better Way

  • Welfare 5.0: Why we need a social revolution and how to make it happen

    This paper argues that investment is needed in the creation of a new social settlement — one that can address the very different social, economic technological and ecological crises of today. Arguing that this is a moment of paradigm change, the paper sets out a new purpose, vision and social code that could inform a social revolution for our times.

  • Fair Society Health Lives

    In November 2008, Professor Sir Michael Marmot was asked by the then Secretary of State for Health to chair an independent review to propose the most effective evidence-based strategies for reducing health inequalities in England from 2010.

  • Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On

    Ten years since the publication of The Marmot Review, for the first time in more than 100 years life expectancy has failed to increase across the country, and for the poorest 10% of women it has actually declined. Over the last decade health inequalities have widened overall, and the amount of time people spend in poor health has increased since 2010.

  • A Matter of Life and Death: Explaining the Wider Determinants of Health in the UK

    This report outlines an evidence-based framing strategy for shifting understanding and building greater support for action to address the wider determinants of health. The strategy centres on making the issue more tangible for people by using explanation.

  • Adult Participation in Learning Survey 2021

    Learning and Work Institute has been undertaking the Adult Participation in Learning Survey on an almost annual basis for 25 years. The survey provides a unique overview of the level of participation in learning by adults, with a detailed breakdown of who participates and who does not.

  • Building our social infrastructure: Why levelling up means creating a more socially connected Britain

    A new joint report from The Cares Family and Power to Change argues that, in seeking to level up Britain, Ministers and officials should put relationships and communities at the heart of decision-making.

  • Unleashing the power of civil society

    A publication from the Law Family Commission on Civil Society on the ground-breaking research into how the potential of civil society can be unleashed in order to harness and enhance the powerful community bonds that exist in our nation.